Past Years’ Reads

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Click cover for archived content from this Community Read.

Click cover for archived content from this Community Read.

Click cover for archived content from this Community Read.


Born a Crime

“A gritty memoir…studded with insight and provocative social criticism…with flashes of brilliant storytelling and acute observations.
Kirkus Reviews


“At once wonderfully humane and deeply troubling, the book offers an eye-opening tour of the increasingly unequal, unstable, and insecure future our country is racing toward.” — Astra Taylor, The Nation


“Macfarlane’s significant contribution to an emerging canon of popular ecological writing is to articulate how the ground beneath our feet is not an immutable foundation, indifferent to human dominion. Far from it. Whether through the gouging work of multinational corporations, or as an insidious consequence of pollution (and the two are connected), the reach of human activity now extends, more pervasively than ever, into the mineral plane.” —Rebecca Griggs, The Atlantic


"Maus is a book that cannot be put down, truly, even to sleep. When two of the mice speak of love, you are moved, when they suffer, you weep. . . . . when you finish Maus, you are unhappy to have left that magical world." —Umberto Eco

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Everything I Never told You

“Wonderfully moving . . . A beautifully crafted study of dysfunction and grief . . [that] will resonate with anyone who has every had a family drama.” —The Boston Globe


The Girls of atomic city

“Kiernan has amassed a deep reservoir of intimate details of what life was like for women living in the secret city...Rosie, it turns out, did much more than drive rivets.”  —The Washington Post


Our Kids

“An insightful book that paints a disturbing picture of the collapse of the working class and the growth of an upper class that seems to be largely unaware of the other’s precarious existence.” — Kirkus Reviews


I am Malala

""Malala Yousafzai [is] an international symbol of inspiration and bravery, but her survival instilled educators with courage-and is slowly helping make Pakistani schools safer.” —


The New Jim Crow

"Now and then a book comes along that might in time touch the public and educate social commentators, policymakers, and politicians about a glaring wrong that we have been living with that we also somehow don't know how to face. The New Jim Crow is such a work" — The New York Review of Books


Fahrenheit 451

Brilliant . . . Startling and ingenious . . . Mr. Bradbury’s account of this insane world, which bears many alarming resemblances to our own, is fascinating.” —Orville Prescott, The New York Times